Vision,​ mission and goals


Towards leadership in the local and regional business environment in the fields of higher education, scientific research, and community service


The College of Business Administration is committed to graduating qualified academic and managerial competencies through pioneering academic programs capable of facing challenges and competition. It also supports purposeful scientific research and active engagement with the local community towards achieving social responsibility

Leadership and excellence

Continuous learning

Social responsibility

Integrity and transparency

Continuous improvement

Team spirit


Providing high-quality education in the field of Management Information Systems and Business Technology for students that aligns with their diverse interests and professional expectations, and is compatible with the needs of the job market.

Preparing students to apply their knowledge in the workplace using problem-solving tools and techniques

Preparing students for lifelong learning by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary for scientific research and decision-making.

Commitment to high professionalism and continuous improvement in the teaching and learning process aligns with the quality guidelines followed at the university.

The college is keen on achieving academic excellence by focusing on sponsoring outstanding and competent students, providing and updating scientific resources such as books, scientific journals, and databases, and enhancing the scientific capabilities of faculty members by encouraging their participation in conferences, workshops, and courses.

Building partnerships and communication with organizations in both the public and private sectors to identify and understand information-related issues in order to offer creative solutions based on sound scientific and knowledgeable foundations.
